Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bartering with your product or service

Bartering with your product or service allows you to open up the doors to many customers or consumers that you have would have passed on you otherwise. Now I don't want to just state the obvious where they tell others that bring in more customers. This is not the only benefit. You see, most of these people had zero intention of purchasing your product or service in the first place. You could possibly have a homerun of a customer that never knew your product or service was out there. Once they find you, they could turn into a regular customer who requires all types of services. The customers that you gain from bartering can really boost your sales if you can turn them into longterm customers. The difference between a customer and a client is that the customer comes in once and the client comes all the time. They use your services different. The more customers that you turn into clients means more money in your pocket. The more money in your pocket means that you can concentrate your efforts into making more money somewhere else yourself. Okay so what are some good examples of where should I barter? If you sell a product think about door prizes. If you can get into a gift basket thats a door prize at a function, this will help you tremendously. If you provide a service, such as a carpet cleaning business, give a free one away to someone who has contact with several people. This can help you tremendously in the long run. I am sure he can distribute your business card especially if you help him or her out. The can pay off several times over. I did this constantly as you can tell by the video. Just watch the video to hear of a couple examples of how I did just this in the past.

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