When you are selecting a label for your own bags, make sure that the font is legible and the consumer can easily recognize it. Keep in mind that you will want to catch the attention of the older customers as well as the younger. Pick a middle ground that both demographics and easily recognize. This will prove to be an important aspect.
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Coffee Bag discussion on best marketing aspects |
We certainly picked our favorites out and not surprisingly they were the best sellers as well. Many bags called out for you to pick them up and inspect them for yourself. Some just sat there and looked very uninviting. It was a great tool to see so many next to each other and critique them in that way.
In this photo we are discussing the successful ones and also the ones that have failed from poor design.
yes i agree its very important that you have a branded coffee to get some brand aware of your customer but your need some waterproof stickers labels for that coffee you what i mean for safety for liquid