Thursday, June 20, 2013

Brand Identity

 What is your brand identity? Can people identify your brand? Hi there, I'm Jeffrey Bernhard and welcome back. I wanted to make this quick video and talk about your brand identity and how you can improve it. We all have different thoughts and ideas about who we are or what are products represent. Think about it this way. If I were to ask you "who are you" as opposed to your wife, husband, kids, john q public, I am certain we would have much different answers. Are you still thinking about who you are or what your product represents? Yes, no? It's not important right this minute but its essential that you figure this out before you spend another penny advertising or trying to get the word out about your product. You see, many people or companies feel that if the product is good, people will just come and buy it, and maybe they will. They wont however return to purchase it unless they feel that it has benefited them on several different levels. Think about starting a new power bar line. Would you just buy a power bar because you need energy or because it tastes good? Maybe, but you would still continue to search until you found one that fit everything you were looking for. Think about what Clif Bar is doing right now. They are a lifestyle food. They are not looking for people to casually purchase these and put them in briefcases and lunchboxes. They want you to make them part of your life. When I say part of your life, I mean that on every level of the word. They don't want to be some treat you reach for when you have hunger, they want to be the food that inspires you to do great things. They want to participate in your greatness as a person. They want to be part of your inspirational story. Step by step and bite by bite they want to be there with you every step and shortfall of the way. They want to earn the glory and the fame with you and that's why they are on fire. So I know your thinking, wow, Jeffrey that's a lot for a energy bar company and that commands an incredible budget right? Wrong! They have had this stance since the beginning and you're the one who is just now becoming hip to it. There target has been pretty tight and now they are executing it perfectly. Now that I have given you a great example, I'll ask you again. Who are you? Who is your product? Does it just taste good? If so, you need serious help in this area if you plan on competing on this level. Now I only used Clif as an example, there are a million others like Disney, Campbell's Soup, Oreo cookies, Oakley sunglasses, Starbucks coffee, Apple Computer, Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, Butterfinger, Ramen Noodles, even Duracell has a great brand identity! Now think about your brand identity. Where do you fit in amongst the competition? Do you need help with your brand or identity? If so I will leave some helpful links down below. As always if you have any questions feel free to leave them on one of my blogs. If you would like my help, send me a message on LinkedIn. As always, take care and have a great day!

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