Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Customer Satisfaction and Social Media

      Hi there, I’m Jeffrey Bernhard and welcome back to my blog. Today I want to talk to you about customer satisfaction math and how important this is for you and your company.  Very few companies can afford to have customers upset, there are some exceptions such as the cable company, or the electric company, You really have no voice within these companies.  This means, no matter how much you scream about their product, you really cant go anywhere else to get it.   You can’t just provide yourself with electricity or a new cable provider; these companies have the market on lock.
     Like everything else in life, change is coming.  Social media is changing the way we talk about products.  For example, if you liked Tabasco sauce five years ago, you wouldn't pick up a phone and call your friend to tell them you like Tabasco sauce.  Today however, you would click the like button and share that on social media.  If you wouldn't do that, millions of others would and they do every single day.

     With your customers, you want to keep them as happy as you can.  This sounds simple and straightforward but it’s not.  You just can’t be there 24/7 to monitor your employees to make sure they are treating your customers the same way you would.  Most employees have very little training in this area and it is one of the most overlooked areas in business.  What type of businesses am I talking about?  Restaurants, retail, service shops, cell phone stores, banks, painters, carpet installers, and the list could go on forever. If you have a private label product though, this is for you.  Most of us have poured blood, sweat, and tears into our products and sometimes that doesn’t get conveyed very well by our employees. 
     We live in an ever-changing environment these days.  Meaning, when your customer leaves the store angry they not only won’t come back, but they will jump on social media and try to destroy your reputation.  If your customers have a bad experience they are more than twice as likely to right a bad review than a good review.  That means if your customers love you, they are probably not going to share that experience unless you have really wowed them.  This takes more than your product. This takes smaller global footprint, great charity support, and fabulous experiences on all levels, such as interactive website etc, and this list could go on as well.  However, 88% of all customers say they depend on customer reviews when purchasing a new product or trying a new place.  I bet you didn’t think the numbers were that high!

     Lets do a little consumer math.  I stayed at a hotel in South America a few years back and part of the deal included a complimentary breakfast.  Every morning they would make you a fresh plate of eggs, toast, and fresh fruit.  This came with fresh squeezed juice as well.  I stayed at this particular hotel for almost a month.  The last week I was in the hotel, the breakfast service stopped.  The owner had 3 hotels and became quite busy at another hotel in the city.  This put me in an awkward position.  Now I had to travel out of my comfort zone to get breakfast.  My wife and I would eat at different times putting more strain on when we left the hotel in the morning.  Now, if this was just me then it really wouldn’t be a big deal.  However, I travel down there with several other business people teaching seminars, the next time I went I switched hotels, and so did every one in my party.  This was around 14 people.  That many people staying in a hotel for an extended amount of time really adds up. 

     In the end the eggs, toast, fruit, and juice, which cost them about $5.00, ended up costing them around $30,000 in losses.  Why? Over breakfast. Don’t let this happen to you.  This is how something so simple can cost you serious money.  Remember 88% of people check recommendations before they buy.  This means that many more people will not shop or buy your brand if that one person complains. The losses will build exponentially.  These numbers really start to hurt you and your business regardless how great your product is.  
    Remember if you need help pushing your product or increasing your revenues, connect with me on LinkedIn below and I will be happy to come out and assist you.  I promise you, I can assist you in these areas.  Take care, and have a great day!  

 = -($30,000) 

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