Many companies stack pallets extremely inefficient and simply wrap them up in cellophane and ship. What they fail to realize is that by stacking your pallets more efficiently, you will save a great deal of money. If you have been stacking or filling your pallets for the same way for a long period of time. now is the time to check out your processes. Take a step back and look at your pallet and see if there is room for improvement. If you are not to the pallet stage yet, it doesn't matter. Step back and look at how efficient your packaging process is currently as well. You still have plenty of room to improve your shipping process.
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Think about playing a giant game of Tetris instead of packing everything onto your pallets and getting them shipped. There is a company out there that sells a pretty sophisticated stacking calculator and software that can help you pick a more efficient route. I know that this might seem ridiculous at first but so does everything else. If you dig into your shipping processes a little now and are able to save even a few pennies, this could equate to tens of thousands in the long run.
thegoddam90' |
If you currently do not have a continuous improvement process to check your methods and recheck them, think about installing one and putting them in place. The Japanese have done this for years with incredible success. Look at learning some Kaizen principles and implement them into your workplace. If you can familiarize yourself with these principles, I can include a blog post set aside for more pictures and explanations with examples for you to see. This will help get you started and you can get more familiar with the idea. I have met with companies who are shipping millions in product per week and have never considered these cost saving methods?
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